It is in the Earth where the old is composted,
where the old is recycled in new flowers.

Hello my friend,
How are you feeling today?
I haven’t been inspired to write for a long time, autumn always brings me a slowing down of my feelings. And with winter so close, the strength is gathered towards the earth…And that’s exactly what I felt like talking to you about today:
Earth mountain, earth desert, earth bones and earth vitality, red soil that roots me to the ground!
One of my favourite elements, the great realm of connection, structure and abundance! To work with the Earth element opens the connection with Vital force, an unlimited source of energy. It helps you to be grounded within yourself,
feel safe and connected to your roots. It makes the body and mind more stable, relieving anxiety and fearfulness.
It is in the Earth where the old is composted, where the old is recycled in new flowers.
EARTH, associated from the yogic perspective with the first chakra, Muladhara.
To the red colour and the ancient sense of smell. It is structure, foundation, life force and survival. Material world, physical body.
From traditional Chinese medicine, it is related to digestion, our ability not only to transform food into energy but also our ability to digest emotions. An Earth element in balance is reflective and calm. In disharmony it tends to obsessive thinking.
Here are several ways in which you can ground yourself with this powerful element. My suggestion is always to enter through the body and then go into the subtle in meditation.

  • Move your body, connect with tribal dance with drum music. Feel your movements in awareness of the weight of your bones, the force of gravity and the ancestral connection to mother earth. Let go of the old, the energy released will bring you strength and if you feel your voice coming out, go for it!
  • Explore the space blindfolded In a safe space. This will support the strength of your instinct, awakening your sense of smell! It is pure grounding, it is animal, it is primal… And it is the sense associated with the first chakra.
  • Ground your energy with this guided meditation I want to offer to you. It will help you to connect with yourself, to feel safe and secure. It brings stability in your physic, mind and emotional body, thus relieving states of anxiety and fear.

I hope you enjoy it. I would really love to hear how your experience goes!

A deep tree hug, from my root to yours!
Always with love, Elena

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