Dear friends, I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer; season of harvesting fruits, I take this opportunity to offer mine!

I would love to inaugurate a cycle of easy and juicy writings, meditations and other surprises! These emails will be linked to my blog, so you can find there the gathered delicacies!!!

Let me offer you the gift to one of my favorite journeys: In the Silence of Light is a 65-minute guided sound meditation, with my own voice and music!

Silence is the living essence of everything that vibrates, as emptiness is to the full or the pitcher to the water. And it is from silence that frequencies are born. It is from within that one comfortably inhabits the outside.

If you know me a little you will know that vibration and sound are part of my life…So I hope you enjoy the meditation!

Sitting or lying down, but the most important …with headphones!

Keep in touch, keep in love!

Fractal hugs,


P.s. Apologies about my not perfect writing…spanglish :)

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