We connect with you through ancestral rituals, creating unforgettable Ceremonies in Ibiza that celebrate love, life and nature. We offer a variety of special ceremonies, such as the Cacao Ceremony, the Fire Ceremony, the Water Ceremony, the Love Ceremony and alternative weddings.


The Cacao ceremony is a celebration of life, a return to the joy of the heart to let go of the old and remember our life force. With the seeds of raw cocoa, a drink based on water or vegetable milk is made, ideal to accompany Sound healing meditation sessions, conscious dance, singing journeys … Thanks to its multiple properties, the focus of these sessions is the heart intelligence as a powerful healing tool to be taken up again. Live the real Ceremonies in Ibiza.


Bring your relationship to a deeper level as a way to honoring each other as individuals and as a union. Based on the fact that we are different from each other, we make the decision to freely unite with our beloved to support us in our growth in this life’s journey.
I once heard that there are as many ways to unite as there are ways to love. If this resonates with you, I propose to elaborate a ceremony totally in accordance with your feeling. There are so many beautiful options and rituals!
Planting a tree; gather in a circle, including your participants in the ritual by passing of the ring with their blessings; share your vows and prayers out loud, or you may choose a ritual like a Handfasting to express your love.
One of my favorites is the Elements love ritual in combination with sound. The sacred union in the presence of the forces of nature is a powerful way to unite:
Earth (pouring of sand), Water (water blending), Fire (lighting of a unity candle) and Air (burning ceremonial copal resin). Each element brings a quality and intention, representing our inner world. The sound works as a vibrational tool to anchor the ritual. Hang drum, flute, guitar, lyric singer or Shamanic drums are some of the options.


Gathering around the fire is an act as old as mankind. A space where we share our connection with nature, our memory. The element of Fire carries with it the power of alchemy and transformation. It is therefore perfect for opening spaces and intentions and it helps to transmute the past in a renovate present moment. One of the best Ceremonies in Ibiza


Water Ceremony

WATER, the deepest element. As we are 75% water, we respond easily to its frequency, from our mind, emotions and body.
The relationship between water and sound is very profound, both are carriers of vibration: While water can be vitalized and encoded by sound, our body in turn can be healed by that encoded water.
With our singing and certain symbols placed under our vessels, we will activate the coding of the water with sound and vibration, charged with our highest frequencies ready for drink.