Latest Past Events


CACAO ECSTATIC DANCE DAMIAN PARIS & ELENA TEIXIDOR Special warming up and closing Sound journey with Hang drum and crystal bowls Join us dancing, a great Sunday plan!! Cacao Ecstatic dance as a Heart calling on Cacao journey. Welcome to join the dance of life with heart inner knowledge. Cacao was used by Mayas to strengthen family ties, to bring Earth's knowledge and remind [...]



CACAO & SOUND (ENG/ESP) Voice and Sound meditation Thursday 16th Open Space Sound guided meditation to synchronize with the heart frequencies by activating our voice through easy healing sounds and songs. The heart generates the most powerful and extensive electromagnetic rhythmic field in the body. Let's listen to its melody! Cacao medicine plant is a heart opener, helping us to connect our essential voice. [...]

7 Chakras & Voice activation

FULL MOON CACAO 7 CHAKRAS & VOICE ACTIVATION Sound guided meditation. Saturday 4th In a beautiful Dome! Join us for another unique Full moon journey! Preparing and balancing our energy field with Cacao followed by a powerful 7 Chakras Sound guided Meditation. As this powerful moon is coming creative, we will go deeper in the 5th chakra activating our voice through our heart wisdom!! [...]


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